Installation View
Frammento/Fragment, Mary Magdalene, 2006, woven fettucini, acrylic paint, 12" x 12"
Chandelier, 2005, various pastas, 3' x3'
Tessuto di Vita/Fabric of Life, 2006, woven fettucini, acrylic paint, 41" x 36"
Fotoricettore Aggrovigliato/Tangled Web, 2006, silk thread, antique kitchen utensils, 2' x 4'
Salsiccie/Suck in Your Gut, 2006, sausage casings, lace, various sizes
Aura Della Madonna, 2000, colander, various pastas, velveteen, 34"h x36"
Apparizione of the Ironing Board, 1997, Ironing board, tea stain, underwear, tile, 57"h, base-25" x 48"
Salsiccie/Suck in Your Gut
La Dolce Far Niente/The Sweetness of Doing Nothing, 2006, acrylic paint, curtains, 4' x 6'
Reliquary del Divino, Grade 'A' Prime,1998, 4' x 2', meat hooks, whisks, nylon, twine and beauty objects
Puntaspilli/Pincushions, 2003, pincushions with images, common pins
Spogliata/Spoiled, 2005, dishes, plastic wrap, photo images, various objects, 137" x 70.25"
La Scarpa, 1998, lasagna, velvet pillow, pedestal, 36"h x 20" x 20"